About Me

Hello and welcome to my world! This is my first attempt to create a WordPress website. Where I can share my thoughts and world with you.

My name is Firoozeh Bazadeh and I opened up my eyes and grew up in the most pleasant city of Iran in the south, which also is the brand name of a wine mostly used in Australia and South Africa.

Your guess is right! I was born in SHIRAZ, city of the flowers and canaries. A lot of cities in Iran tow a title behind them, like many US states. For example New Jersey is known as Garden State, California is known as the Golden State,etc. In Iran Isfahan for example is known as ” Nesfe- Jahan” which rhymes with Isfahan itself and means “Half of the world”. There is a wonderful meaning hidden behind it. It means this city by itself encompasses half of the beauty of the world.

Now SHIRAZ is known as the city of flowers and nightingales. In Farsi They say Gol-o-Bolbol . It hints to the lovely gardens where famous poets such as Saadi and Hafez are attracting tons of tourists to the town, with lovely chirping sounds of the birds on top of tall trees of the gardens.

Marriage took me to Tehran and I have a wonderful daughter, which is irreplaceable with the entire universe for me.

What am I doing here? And what bought me to the online Market of translation industry?

Good question. Since pandemic of Covid-19 started, I decided to stay home and was thinking of making myself and my family financially stable. I finally came up with the idea of generating money with my language skills. I am fluent in English and French and I was barley using them. This idea sparkled in my mind and I decided to create my own website, do the marketing on it myself and see where it will take me to.

I am a strong woman and I strongly support all women in business and in Fact as a business woman I think there is nothing wrong with “Empowering women” .

My Educational Background